
Sunday, November 04, 2007

weight gain partly attributed to toxic chemicals

" ... Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton suggests the root cause of all weight gain is directly related to our own natural weight control system being overloaded and poisoned with toxic chemicals that we encounter through our skin care, food, cleaning products and general environment. In her book, The Detox Diet –Eliminate Chemical Calories and Enhance Your Natural Slimming System, Dr Baillie-Hamilton explores the link between the current fat epidemic and toxic synthetic chemicals.

Toxic synthetic chemicals are highly fat soluble therefore when the body is exposed to these substances it then gets busy creating fat tissue as a storehouse for those toxins that cannot be processed and eliminated from the body.

A group of insecticides and herbicides used in the growing of food, cosmetic, and medicinal ingredients, known as Carbamates, are also used as growth promoters in battery-farm situations because they slow down the metabolic rate. So, the same synthetic chemicals used on our fruit and vegetables are used to fatten livestock! Carbamates are also used in medicine to promote
weight gain in humans. ... "

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